Thursday, December 25, 2008

Mormon Publication "Athiests Celebrate Christmas"

From the Article:
Why are they proselytizing?

They raise the false claim that religions have caused all kinds of evil in the world. But this merely shows that they are willing to speak without physical evidence, because history shows, not that religion causes wars and persecutions, but rather that humans are prone to war and persecution, and then invoke whatever excuse their belief system provides them to justify their actions.

After all, the most monstrous actions of cruelty and mass murder in human history arguably took place in the 20th century, and were mostly perpetrated by atheists claiming science as their justification. From Hitler to Stalin, Mao to Pol Pot, the death toll from atheists beggars any claim by faith-driven monsters of the past.

In fact, one could, with far more merit, argue that religious faith tempers the actions of believers, and that the evils done by nominally Christian societies were done only by those who deviated from the norms and teachings of their faith.

What would have happened to Native Americans if the conquistadores had not been burdened with all those pesky priests who kept exposing their crimes and excesses to the Christian rulers, who, as best they could, acted to protect native population?

These atheists claim to know what is good for everyone. They claim to know "truth" to a level that far exceeds their ability to supply proof. In other words, they are behaving exactly like the religious fanatics they supposedly deplore.

They follow the standard pattern of those who have changed allegiances from one belief-group to another.

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