Friday, June 6, 2008

Drive Through Church

Banned From GodTube -
The Steve & Kathy Show Increases its Presence on YouTube

(Kansas City, MO) March 26, 2008 - The Steve & Kathy Show continues to press the issue for "a religion that works" with an increased presence on Cutting through the dead weight of Western Christianity through the medium of comedy and satire, videos posted on YouTube are giving world-wide viewers a glimpse of the genius behind the production of this Christian variety show.

Banned from GodTube because of his "Sexy God" video, Steve Gray, producer, host, and the mastermind of The Steve & Kathy Show, is mincing no words in his fight against what he calls "dead religion." Top on the list of most viewed videos on YouTube is "Real Preachers of Genius: Seeker Sensitive Mega Church Guy" with 23, 496 hits in 2 months - a number that is climbing daily. Spoofing the gimmicks, the Hawaiian shirts, and the me-centered gospel prevalent in American mega-churches, this video leaves the viewer with plenty to think about. As one viewer commented, "Excellent ... and funny too, if it weren't so tragically correct."

"The Everything You've Ever Wanted ... and Sin! Church," a hilarious spin off from Monty Python's well-known "Spam" skit, comes in second as most-viewed of The Steve & Kathy Show videos, many of which are Telly Award winners. Hitting the compromised morality of American churches bent on mega growth, this satire exposes the "no ground rules" attitude of churches who are trying to keep their congregants happy - and in the pews.

Newest on YouTube is "Cheech and Chong at the Drive Thru," poking fun at the latest gimmick of religion: a drive thru church. Sure to be a hit with baby boomers familiar with the Cheech and Chong personalities, this skit spoofs the absurd trend in religious marketing to cater to the me-generation.

With 26 videos now posted on this well-known video streaming website and new ones added weekly, these excerpts from the TV episodes of The Steve & Kathy Show utilize a type of shock therapy to expose the hypocrisies of Christianity and offer a solution for the crisis Gray sees in American Christianity. Not for the religiously inclined, these spoofs help the American public see through the gimmicks of religion and consider a better way to do church.

Casey Lohman
Public Relations/SGM
P.O. Box 380108
Kansas City, MO 64138
Phone: 816 763-0708 x703
Fax: 816 777-0752
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